Get to know our team members.
At Leadify, we redefine lead generation in Australia with a powerhouse team dedicated to innovation, expertise, and personalized strategies, ensuring unparalleled success for our clients.
Reuben Scheckter
Reuben Scheckter
Innovative CEO Reuben excels in creative problem-solving. Enjoys tech, UI/UX design, copywriting, and outdoors activities like fishing and cooking.
Mark Ragel
Mark Ragel
Chief Revenue Officer
Dynamic CRO Mark excels in communication and sales. Passionate about sports, including UFC, EPL, and NBA.
Pesamino Taliaoa
Pesamino Taliaoa
Chief Technology Officer
CTO Pesamino excels in perseverance. Passionate about building wealth, knowledge, and skills to empower others.
Audrey Jean-Louis
Audrey Jean-Louis
Project & Operations Manager
Audrey's strategic mindset and adaptability enable her to develop seamless strategies and efficiently resolve issues. Fuelled by a passion for creativity and continuous learning. Committed to Growth, she excels in her role as a Project & Operations Manager.
Dominic Dang
Dominic Dang
Head of Design/Web Development
Creative Head of Web Design, Dominic, specializes in design and funnel development. Passionate about design, branding, and simplicity.
Yoshi Quinn
Yoshi Quinn
Partnerships Team Lead
Level-headed Sales Executive, Yoshiya, focuses on problem-solving and growth. Enjoys learning new strategies for personal and professional improvement.
Ruben Manno
Ruben Manno
Senior Media Buyer
Analytical Senior Media Buyer Ruben excels in data analysis. Passionate about data and analytics.
Simba Gwamba
Simba Gwamba
Senior Media Buyer
Simba is a creative Media Buyer who thrives on coming up with innovative ideas. He enjoys reading books on philosophy, re-watching episodes of 'The Big Bang Theory', and carving into ribeye steaks topped with smoked sea salt.
Christian Lara
Christian Lara
Data Management Lead
Dedicated Data Lead Christian values continuous learning. Enjoys reading, documentaries, and meditation for personal growth and development.
Mike Aguasa
Mike Aguasa
Senior Front-end Developer
Versatile Senior Website Developer Mike crafts seamless web experiences. Passionate about solving complex problems and staying updated with emerging trends.
Bailey Williams
Bailey Williams
Customer Growth Manager
John Catayas
John Catayas
John's rapid adaptability and hunger for knowledge propel his success as a Software Engineer. His passion for team contribution and skill improvement drives him to excel in his field, ensuring he remains at the forefront of innovation and development within the industry.
Graziell Magbitang
Graziell Magbitang
Affiliate Manager
Organized Affiliate Manager Graziell excels in clarity and organization. Passionate about bringing order to work and life beyond.
Carlos Hendrick
Carlos Hendrick
Customers Operations Assistant
Carlos thrives in varied environments, adeptly adapting to each. His passion for continuous learning drives him to excel, while his curiosity fuels innovation. Embracing challenges, he's committed to personal development, ensuring optimal results in his role as a Junior Customer Growth Manager.
Dhenzylle Bulatao
Dhenzylle Bulatao
Data Management Assistant
Adaptable Data Management Coordinator Dhenzylle excels in timely data analysis. Passionate about achieving success and uncovering insights through data.
Kenneth Naigen
Kenneth Naigen
Sales Development
Sales Executive Kenneth simplifies tasks creatively. Enjoys expressing creativity in various forms.
Lowell Lunar
Lowell Lunar
Graphic & Video Brand Designer
Meet Lowell, the imaginative designer who breathes life into ideas with his creative flair! He's on a passionate mission to squeeze every drop of potential out of his projects, aiming for that 'Well Done' stamp every single time!
Nina Angelika
Nina Angelika
Customers Operations Assistant
Inquisitive Data Management Coordinator Nina excels in adaptability and goal achievement. Passionate about embracing challenges and fostering transparent interactions.
Raju Singh
Raju Singh
Full Stack Engineer
Full Stack Engineer Raju enjoys solving business problems through technology. He loves camping, hiking, gardening and all things outdoor.
Rodelio Joveres
Rodelio Joveres
Junior Media Buyer
Passion for continuous learning drives me to explore new subjects and learn fresh perspective and upskill constantly.
Reuben Scheckter image
Our Story
At Leadify, we're not in the business of generating leads—we're in the business of driving growth.

Our journey began five years ago in the solar energy sector, where we proved that our approach could skyrocket businesses to the top. As we expanded, we noticed a trend: companies were hungry for leads, but the market was flooded with options that lacked quality. That's when we knew we had to expand our vision.

Leadify was born from the desire to redefine lead generation. Our mission was clear: to make the complex simple, to bring reliability and trust back into the equation. We've grown since those early days, now with a dedicated team of over 20 specialists who cater to businesses across Australia and beyond, spanning over nine key verticals.

But it's not about us—it's about the partnerships we build and the success we foster. We're not here to boast about revenues or inflate our achievements. Instead, we focus on results, the kind that speaks volumes without uttering a word.

And now, we're excited to introduce LeadifyX, our latest innovation designed to propel your business forward. More than just a product, LeadifyX embodies our unwavering commitment to your company's expansion and success. With an extensive array of tailored conversion and growth tools, it's not just about generating leads—it's about nurturing them into lasting relationships and tangible outcomes. We understand that the growth of your business is the true measure of our success. That's why every lead we deliver through LeadifyX is a potential catalyst for your business to thrive.At Leadify, your growth is our mission. We're here to guide you through the complexities of the digital world, to be the architects of your success, and to celebrate every milestone along your journey.
Reuben Scheckter
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